Thursday, July 31, 2014

Study Blanket Update - 1 of Many

Hello friends! Sorry I've been *so* quiet lately! We decided after visiting Texas in February of this year, that we would set about making living there a reality. Fast forward to today and as God would have it... we are now living in the great state of Texas! :D. It's been a whirl wind I assure you! We had to line up at least one job to make the move happen, had to sell our house... and we had to literally move from Virginia to Texas. No small feat I assure you. While we are still in the process of settling in and making Texas our permanent stomping ground, I've been able to get back to some crafting.

I recently finished round three on 191 of 192 ( would you believe I lost one of the circles?! :s ) granny sunburst flowers! :D You might know this color scheme as the study blanket. While the study I was making this blanket for has since been repainted and sold with the house in VA, the vision for this richly colored autumnal throw blanket lives on! :D It does get chilly in Texas at times despite the heat you hear about :).

Here are the finished pieces as of today...