It's true! SEE :D
While I hope to update this post in the future with a youtube how to video, I might be getting ahead of myself. ;) There are so many projects in queue and if I didn't already tell you I was recently promoted at work - yay me - but with the promotion comes training my replacement, fumbling through the new stuff and making that learning curve my you-know-what ;). Progress is being made everyday, but my schedule is a bit sporadic and lets suffice to say there's a lot to do. I've stayed late a few nights already in an effort to get ahead of things, but I've ironically been working on historical stuff. In the times when I get overwhelmed, and feel like I'm not moving I press on with Dori's reminder from Finding Nemo... to
♪♫ Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming ♫♪
Pass, fail or otherwise, sometimes just putting one foot in front of the other is what is needed.
In any case, I had time enough to work on a project tonight that involves faux cherries... I'll reveal this project in it's entirety once it's complete but I was so tickled pink having come up with this idea I *had* to share at least a photo.. I mean come on! ;) Knowing I needed fruit... fake fruit... tiny fake fruit. I was stuck on the idea of a strawberry until I saw the slim pickings that Michaels had for fake ones. Moving on I spotted a bag of pink glitter balls - and envisioned they just might work for pseudo cherries. It was the next best thing I'd seen to fake plastic fruit so I decided to bring those puppies home.
That was Friday...
On my way home from work today a light bulb went on ;)...
I had green piping that was equally sparkly...
and so... I give you...
Stay tuned for the finished project in the next week. Lord willing I'll be diving headfirst into the rest of the project this weekend ^-^. Are you excited? I know I am! ;)
Happy Creating everyone!
I'll be back with an update soon!