...that Christmas is pretty symbolic. Maybe some things weren't originally meant to be but I made them that way in my own mind ;). The tree and decorations - part of the celebration, like anyone would do for a party right? :) Party for Baby Jesus' birthday! ^-^ The star or angel at the top of the tree reminds me of the star the three wise men saw that guided them to baby Jesus or the angels that sang and rejoiced the night he was born. The presents we get to give to each other are wrapped and we get to wait in anticipation to open them ...like all of the old testament - throughout the pages it shows Jesus was on his way... what an awesome present He is ^-^. So while St. Nicholas is another story as well having brought gifts to people, which is another cool story :) the symbolism I see in the shirt I wore is more that I believe in the "magic" of Christmas and the possibilities... that anyone who truly wants the way, the truth and the life can have it, in abundance through Christ. Its a pretty awesome story - why
not be excited for Christmas!? :)
I added a few embellishments to the t-shirt for the Christmas Holiday party at work. Of course this was brought on by a co-worker who said we should don tacky Christmas shirts :) though I think I may have failed because most people just said the shirt was cute lol :)
It was a good time - my coworkers get up reminded me of a girl in the 1960's who would be ice skating. Super cute :) And while I wore my
santa hat I did not come home with it - because I SOLD it :). (yay!) :)
Alright - I hope you enjoy the pictures! :) We had a lot of fun with them :)
In a Winter Wonderland |
Lovely Laura and Myself :) |
We be dancin' ! :) |
And the tacky shirt itself :) |
I added a pompom to the top of his hat and pieces of felt and yarn to the shirt :)