I'm glad I went with the blue edging... as I was finishing the last edging row I was excited to see it done (as you can imagine ;)). Though, I think if I make another one I'd finish it with a gray edging... maybe a simple acrylic gray edging, just to change it up and create a clean edge. The blue really pulls out the hues in the blanket, they all dance to my eye. I appreciate that I had enough different colors and textures to randomly select from as I worked on it as I think it adds an eclectic log cabin cozy feel. I am reminded of the photos you see on pinterest, of the stacks of linens, blankets or quilts that make you want to curl up with a good book and grab ALL the blankets from the stack! :)
If you'd like to make a version of this for yourself or a loved one, I've seen this pattern called harlequin and greenway. The free ravelry download can be found here.
Are you wondering how long this took to make?Are you *sure* you want to know? Each square row of color took an hour to crochet. The edging itself took at least 20 hours in total. Final measurements are: 49" x 65"
I stayed consistent on the edges, all had a diamond ripple effect. This of course meant going back through to each of the edge colors and adding stitches... well. worth it.I would do it again, just add the diagonal as I did the rows so I wouldn't have to go back, adding half a square to each of the rows was a tedious and daunting task, but once a handmade blanket is done, it's done! ;)
I hope you enjoy the photos! Please feel free to share and pin them, just please make sure they link back to this post so people can see the other photos as well! ;) Thank you!