As some of you might know (or none of you know) last year at the end of August I started a new job and away went the focus or desire to blog... it's just sucked a lot of my time and energy :s.
Since there are a lot of things regarding the house I want to catch you up on (and hope to in time) I have to share some other, nonhouse things along the way... I'm in blog recovery lol er, something like that O.o.
Alright - so on lunch break today I'm perusing the arts& crafts section of craigslist and find a listing for Magic Ring Pom-Pon. No, this is not a misspelling, maybe it's just the old school way of writing Pom-Pom. Kind of like how old worlde english favor & color were spelled with U's = colour, favour. You get the idea.
I got curious.. to google I go to find out what the heck you can make with a pom-pon magic ring. After all, the picture was also showing, aside from pom-pons, rugs of all things - I scratched my head.

After a few attempts via web and images I found a blog (yay!) and have to share the link with you to this witty, hilariously funny blogger. I have to figure out how to follow them yet since I can't simply click "follow" BUT - if you figure it out, lemme know! :D
Without further ado - visit this link for a craft laugh break. Oh so funny... Hahahaha - oh, oh and it's fittingly titled Pompon Therapy. Note the spelling ;)
HandmadeByMother *****
UPDATE: I figured out how to FOLLOW her blog! :) Squee!! :D